ARENCORES is one of the very few firms in Crete that preserves and maintains passive real estate properties. The company allows real estate sellers to list their properties in a private database to assess property value, market price fluctuations, selling potential, risks and many other parameters.
Passive Real Estate Investment can come in the form of Passive Real Estate Listing Trusts (PRELTs). PRELTs are attractive and efficient real estate opportunities because they have the supplementary benefit of being lower risk in terms of the seller making decisions and property exposure. Property sellers are actually investing in property appraisal and identification of the selling potential, rather than putting their property directly on the market with a standard price.
The Process
Our current passive real estate properties range from small apartments to blogs of flats and from luxurious villas to hotels, giving real estate investors – and sellers many options to consider. If the property meets the criteria for passive marketing, it is presented to our selected real estate investors and property buyers around the world, without your property being listed publically.
The cornerstones of ARENCORES’s Passive Real Estate is to provide a reliable property investment analysis and a consistent real estate market assessment for the potential buyer.
An investment property analysis should ensure that your property is in a good location, confirm the high-quality standards of the construction and assess the property as a permanent residence or as a rental tourist facility. Moreover, we need to ensure that any money that has to go into the property won’t mitigate the return on the investment.
A real estate market analysis will let our buyers and real estate investors know that they are paying a fair property price for your property. A detailed market analysis is key to a successful real estate decision. Should your property satisfy our Passive Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) criteria, the property is qualified for an intelligent property marketing campaign.
Moreover, it is significantly important to gather the data required to fully understand the subject property’s market area. Some of the data we assess are as follows: Building permits, Interest rates, Commercial real estate sales, Housing prices, Tourist market trends, Population size and demographics, nearby facilities and amenities (distance to Chania International Airport, the Souda Bay, Chania Hospital etc.), In the end, the quality of the market analysis performed by our team should make a difference in accurately ensuring that your property is a feasible, profitable investment.
Why Not List?
At ARENCORES when we begin any new listing engagement, the first thing we discuss is the potential emotional aspects involved with selling a home. We recognized that the emotional “side effects” of selling your home are critical factors to your satisfaction and the happiness of your family.
We are aware of the sentimental connection people have with their property and the emotional impact of going through the selling process.
We also recognize that a home is most people’s largest asset, and the price received for this asset can have a significant effect on their decision-making, including the ability to invest somewhere else. We introduced Passive listing (PREIT) as a full-service real estate option to help our customers identify reliable factors of selling their home and list their property without making it available to the general public.
PREIT Benefits
While we keep the property off from our regular listings, we can a) effectively mitigate the lack of exposure, b) avoid unnecessary and stressful bidding wars, c) identify proposals from buyers who want to invest in the property or who seek exclusive opportunities, d) market the property with high quality printable and digital material to passive investments seekers around the world looking for that type of property, and ready to pay the price, e) no photos of the property are publicly used to maintain privacy; seller anonymity is guaranteed.
Optimizing financial return and building a relationship of trust is fundamental to our real estate business model. We’ve made a commitment to seek and identify the right buyer who would not only appreciate the property value but also commit to allow us to provide information on their next dream home.
Service Pricing
For the Passive Real Estate Investment Trusts we charge 3.0 %- 5.0% commission from the property’s asking price. We are using market intelligence tools to establish a reliable property market price and we should also provide you all the digital materials used to promote your property.
At ARENCORES will typically require that a written agreement for an off-listing should be signed by the seller to ensure the payment of a commission. At ARENCORES we have a worldwide clientele which actively seeks pocket listing opportunities in Chania. We also cooperate with domestic and international real estate agents.